CMC GLOBAL 2024 December 26-29, 2024 Baltimore, MD
This year’s theme, Generations On Mission Together, underscores the collaborative effort of all generations in carrying out God’s mission. As we unite in Christ, each generation contributes its distinct talents and resources to propel God’s people forward for His kingdom.
Convention Schedule

What is the Chinese Mission Convention?
CMC is dedicated to mobilizing the church to reach the world for Christ. Since its beginning in 1983, CMC has been attended by over 50,000 people. Numerous churches, organizations, and individuals have been empowered and mobilized for God’s mission.
The vision and focus of CMC does not end with the close of the convention. AFC is committed to working with a variety of churches, individuals, faculty, and organizations to follow up on the progress and special needs of those who dedicate their lives to full-time ministry.
Past CMC Global conventions
Popular videos
- 商业宣教 Business as Mission
- 国度 Kingdom
- 大使命 Great Commission
- 宣教动员 Missions Mobilization
- 宣教士关怀 Missionary Care
- 心理健康 Mental Health
- 教牧资源 Pastors
- 散居群体 Diaspora
- 整全事工 Holistic Ministry
- 校园宣教 Campus Ministry
- 疫情 Pandemic
- 短宣 Short Term Missions
- 祷告 Prayer
- 穆斯林 Muslims
- 解经 Bible Exposition
- 贫困 Poverty
- 跨代 Intergenerational
- 跨文化宣教 Cross-Cultural Missions
- 门徒训练 Discipleship
- 门训运动 Discipleship Making Movement
- 青少年 Youth
- 领导力 Leadership

The Next Step Ministry
The Next Step ministry is part of CMC’s post-conference ministry. Conference attendees may have felt God’s calling at CMC and you might be wondering how to take the next step. The Next Step ministry is here to walk alongside you and help you to become disciple makers throughout the year. We invite you to join the Next Step ministry!

Keeping Life in Leadership
Keeping Life in Leadership is a 3 part special series to support pastors and church leaders and part of CMC’s leadership track. Keeping Life in Leadership focuses on the mental and spiritual health of pastors and church leaders, so that they can be better equipped to serve their churches. We invite you to keep in leadership!
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