Next Step 2022 Events
What is Next Step?
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1) CONNECT: Through monthly/bi-weekly one-on-one meetings, you will be able to connect with a caregiver or mentor who will walk alongside your spiritual journey. In the spring and fall, we have a retreat where you can connect with other like-minded people.
2) GROW: We will help you to reach your faith commitment goals. Your caregiver will help you develop a personal disciple-making plan. We also recommend different resources to help you to grow.
3) MULTIPLY: As you grow in your spiritual maturity, you will fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples locally and globally.

The Next Step journey is unique to each person:
1) You make a faith commitment at CMC and let the Next Step team know that you’re interested in joining the program.
2) A trained caregiver will initially contact you. Throughout the year, you will connect with a caregiver as an accountability partner.
3) For the next 6 months and beyond, you will explore opportunities to grow spiritually. Your caregiver will encourage and walk alongside you.
4) Finally, the Next Step team will celebrate your spiritual growth.
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