What is Keeping Life in Leadership?
Keeping Life in Leadership is a 3 part special series to support pastors and church leaders and part of Chinese Mission Convention (CMC)’s leadership track. Keeping Life in Leadership focuses on the mental and spiritual health of pastors and church leaders, so that they can be better equipped to serve their churches.
持守有生命的领导力是一个由三部分组成的特别系列,以支持牧师和教会领袖,也是全球华人差传大会 (CMC) 领导力专题讲座系列的一部分。持守有生命的领导力专注于牧师和教会领袖的心理和精神健康,以便他们能够更好地装备自己,为教会服务。

Dr. Enoch Wong 王健安博士
Dr. Enoch Wong is passionate about the wellbeing of the leadership challenges faced by Chinese heritage churches in North America serving both in the English and Chinese ministries. He is the Director of Centre for Leadership Studies and an Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at the Canadian Chinese School of Theology. Also, he is also a minister-at-large with the Eastern District of Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada.

Dr. Reggie McNeal
Dr. Reggie McNeal, Christian thought leader, has dedicated himself to helping everyday people, and other leaders pursue more intentional lives for over 30 years. His professional experience is wide-ranging, from serving as a denominational executive, congregational leader, leadership coach, the founding pastor of a new church, and more. He has also lectured and taught as adjunct faculty for multiple seminaries, served as a church ministry consultant, and advised in the business sector. Also, he has written many books.
How Is Your Soul? Overview | Dr. Enoch Wong
He shares his findings of over 250+ Chinese Heritage Church pastors’ personal and ministry wellness. Also, he gives recommendations on how the church leadership teams can serve each other better to increase their effectiveness for the Kingdom.
Increasing Self Awareness | Dr. Reggie McNeal
He shares practical insights on how we can keep life in leadership as pastors and leaders.
你的心灵健康如何? 概况 | 王健安博士
强化自我认知 | Dr. Reggie McNeal
Practicing Self-Leadership | Dr. Reggie McNeal
In practicing self leadership, he talks about 2 main points which include: self management and self development.
实践自我领导 | Dr. Reggie McNeal
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How’s Your Soul: Symptoms (Part II) | Dr. Enoch Wong
From his study of Chinese Heritage Church pastors’ personal and ministry wellness, he describes the 3 symptoms of poor mental health.
你的心靈健康怎樣? 徵狀 | 王健安博士
从他对中国传统教会牧师个人和事工健康的研究中,他描述了心理健康不佳的 3 个症状。
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Building Resilience | Dr. Reggie McNeal
To build resilience as a leader, he gives 4 tips, which include: right mission, right people around you, right audience, and observe Sabbath.
建立韧力 | Dr. Reggie McNeal
为了培养领导者的韧力,他给了 4 个提示,其中包括:有正确的使命、有合适的人在身边、有正确的听众和守安息日。
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How’s Your Soul: Suggestions (Part III) | Dr. Enoch Wong
From the symptoms of poor mental health of church leaders, he suggests 5 ways to nurture your well being.
你的心靈健康怎樣? 建議 | 王健安博士
从教会领袖心理健康不佳的症状中,他提出了 5 种培养心灵健康的方法。
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Q&A Panel Discussion| Dr. Enoch Wong & Dr. Reggie McNeal
答問研討會 | 王健安博士和 Reggie McNeal 博士
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