– 使者新英格兰校园同工周丽华
2021年是大学招生很糟的一年。很多情况对高中生来说不合常理。Troy高中的一名学生被约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins)录取,但他甚至没有进入加州大学尔湾分校(UC Irvine),一所长期以来被Troy的顶尖学生认为是保底学校(safety school)。还有一名被布朗大学(Brown University)录取的学生甚至没有得到加州大学尔湾分校(UCI)或加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的录取信。一名被哈佛大学(Harvard University)录取的学生几乎没有被其它任何大学录取。Troy的学生被排名靠前的私立大学和常春藤名校录取通常是再正常不过的事了,但2021年的情况却一反常态。
加州大学(UC)的录取结果在3月中旬出来。常春藤盟校,比如斯坦福大学、杜克大学等,录取结果在3月底至4月初出来。不用说,后者的学校名单是Troy许多人的目标。但当加州大学的名单出来时,真是意外的惨淡,只有很少一部分成绩和简历相当优异的学生被UCI, UCLA, UCSD或UCB录取。
在申请大学的过程中,我感受到了神的同在。当我在读圣经的时候,偶然了解到了希西家王。我以前从未听说过他,但当我深入阅读他的故事时,我意识到,我找到他并非巧合。希西家是犹大国历史上少数敬畏神的君王之一。当他最需要神的时候,他并不害怕,而是谦卑地来到神面前请求帮助。当亚述的18.5万大军敲开他的门,准备进攻时,希西家谦卑自己,向神哭诉,请求帮助。第二天早上,上帝用一次大能的打击消灭了这18.5万大军。当希西家被绝症折磨得奄奄一息时,他再次跪下来求神怜悯,神医治了他,使他又活了15年。从希西家身上,我学到了两件事。第一,我们的神是强大而又慷慨的,能够瞬间打败整支军队,但也能医治某人,让他活下来。第二,我学到了依靠神是多么重要。我在努力撰写大学申请文案的痛苦过程中,学会了更加信靠神。起初看到希西家这段经文时我并不买账,但当神四次向我展示这一信息时——第一次是在8月的牧师讲道中,第二次是在9月我自己读到这段经文,第三次是从11月另一位牧师的讲道,第四次是在12月中旬早期决定(Early Decision)结果出来时,我知道神要我注意到希西家的故事。
说我不担心是假的。我就是那拥有高GPA但却没有被加州大学尔湾分校(UC Irvine)录取的人之一。很有意思的是,当拒绝信堆积如山,多到以至于我几乎对看到“很抱歉,我们无法为您提供2025班的名额”这句话变得麻木不仁。申请结果也并不都是坏消息,但它们并不是我所希望的录取结果。终于,4月6日到了。常春藤日(Ivy Day),众所周知,是所有8所常春藤盟校发布录取通知的日子。就像我说的,我对拒信已经麻木不仁了,也不抱什么期望……直到我打开一封信,时间仿佛定格了,我第一次看到了“恭喜!”这个词。在那一刻,我感觉到了我的坚韧和对神的信心得到了回报。
那些该被更好的学校录取,但却没有得到机会的人,也让我们难以忘怀。在Troy最高水平的数学课——数学 IB HL 2 的学生中,我知道至少有两位学生因为没有被任何一所学校录取而要去社区大学。我知道去社区大学的结果并不糟糕,但对于Troy高中的学生来说,最初的期待显然不是这样。当一个学生没有达到他最低的期望时,也许会对他们的心理健康造成影响。他们会开始怀疑自己,情况也许会越来越糟。我完全相信对神的信仰可以避免这种情况。就像我尽管被第一志愿的学校拒绝,但我却没有恐慌,因为我相信神会带领我去最好的学校,我希望其他人在面对失败时也能拥有类似的信心。从世俗的角度看来是最好的学校,但从神的角度看未必如此。有一点永远不会改变:无论我们最后去的是什么学校,都会是最适合我们的。希望大家也能在艰难的时刻经历到神的同在,像我所经历的那样。
The year 2021 was a pretty crappy one in college admissions. A lot of it simply didn’t make sense to many high school students. One person at Troy High School who was accepted at Johns Hopkins didn’t even get into UC Irvine, long considered a “safety school” by top students at Troy. One person who was accepted at Brown University didn’t even get UCI or UCLA. One person who was accepted at Harvard barely got accepted anywhere else. Yeah, I know, this list of high-ranking private schools and Ivy Leagues sounds a lot like a normal Troy college acceptance list, but it wasn’t like that for a while.
The UC admission results come out around mid-March. The Ivy League, Stanford, Duke, etc, come out in late March to early April. Needless to say, the latter list of schools is what many people at Troy are probably aiming for. But when the UCs came out, there was a shockingly low number of people with outstanding scores and resumes who got into UCI or UCLA or UCSD or UCB, much less any UC at all. It was looking pretty bleak.
The effects of covid on the college admissions process were understandable, but insane. The lack of a required standardized test score hurt so many top performing students around the country, many of whom are students at Troy, Diamond Bar, Arcadia, or even Fairmont. Plus with schools receiving a 50% increase in number of applicants and acceptance rates dramatically dropping, who knew what was going to happen. For those remaining few weeks of March, even though we weren’t at school together, we were still communicating and all of Troy could sense a very distinct cloud of panic in the air. So many people were left utterly discouraged and stressed out that there didn’t seem to be any hope. And in this case of vulnerability, there really wasn’t anything we could do. We students couldn’t band together to stand up for ourselves because we were all in the same boat. Our futures laid in the hands of admissions officers who could do nothing but skim our essays that we had perfected for so long. How can we live with ourselves if we don’t even get into a safety school?
Along the path of college applications, I feel like God specifically reached out to me. When I was reading the Bible, I stumbled upon King Hezekiah. I’d never heard of him before but when I read deeper into his story, I realized that it was no coincidence that I found him. Although King Hezekiah came from a long lineage of evil kings, he was one of the few good kings who followed God’s word. When he needed God the most, he wasn’t afraid to humble himself and pray and ask for help. When the Assyrian army of 185,000 strong was knocking on his doorstep and ready to attack, Hezekiah humbled himself and cried out to God asking for help. The following morning, God wiped out every single soldier with one mighty strike. When Hezekiah was dying from a terminal disease, he once again kneeled down and begged God to save his life. God did. Hezekiah lived for 15 more years before leaving the world. From Hezekiah, I learned two things. One, how mighty yet generous our God is to be able to defeat an entire army instantly but also be able to heal someone and let them live. Secondly, I learned how important it is to rely on God. As I continued to toil through the harrowing process of writing college essays, I became more trusting of God. At first I didn’t buy into this message, but when God showed me this message four times – first in August in my pastor’s sermon, second in September when I discovered Hezekiah by myself, third in another pastor’s message in November, and a fourth time in the middle of December, when early decision results come out – I knew God wanted me to pay attention to Hezekiah.
It’s easy to get caught up in the name of schools. Saying that I’m going to Harvard or MIT or Stanford sounds so good, but what we need to remember, and what I’ve learned from Hezekiah, is that none of it would be possible without God. Hezekiah could’ve easily been defeated by the Assyrians. It’s because of his loyalty and faith that he was able to escape with a victory despite being severely outnumbered. Even in such a bad year of college applications, every time another rejection or a waitlist came in the mail, I was surprisingly calm. Many of my friends were not. They were bawling and weeping when they didn’t get into the school of their dreams. But I had the assurance that I was supported by God. Ultimately, even though I was rejected from my top choice school, I know that the school I was accepted to is the best because that is where God wants me to go.
I can’t say I wasn’t worried. I was one of the people with high GPAs who didn’t get into UC Irvine. It’s a little bit funny when the rejection letters were piling up to the point that I almost became desensitized to seeing the sentence “I’m sorry but we weren’t able to offer you a spot in the Class of 2025…” A few bright spots opened up along the way, but they were not the acceptances that I was hoping for. Finally, April 6th came around. Ivy Day, as it is infamously known, is when all 8 Ivy League schools release their acceptances. Like I said, I was desensitized to rejection by now and wasn’t expecting much…until I didn’t have to. I opened a college admissions letter and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, I saw the word “Congratulations!” At that moment, I felt that my resilience and faith in God were rewarded.
Yet even when I was accepted to an Ivy League school, God showed me Hezekiah once again. About a week after Ivy Day, I read the book of Isaiah and there Hezekiah was. Even though I had already learned my lesson about relying on God, He wanted me to learn something else. Before Hezekiah died, he was so proud of the riches that he had acquired throughout his life that he showed off every single piece of wealth to a Babylonian prince. God saw unholy intentions in Hezekiah’s heart at that time, and as a result, God told the king that because he had boasted his wealth, Hezekiah’s kingdom would be destroyed by the Babylonians. Once again, I was reminded of God’s might. Just because someone is accepted to a name brand school doesn’t mean that it was entirely your own work. Of course, we all have parents, friends, teachers who are supporting us every step of the way, but none of it would be possible without God. If we, like Hezekiah, boast about our amazing talents and skills without giving glory to God, then we are committing a wicked sin.
We also can’t forget about the people who may have deserved something better than they got. Amongst the students taking the highest-level math class offered at Troy High School, Math IB HL 2, I know of at least two students who are going to community college because they weren’t accepted to a single school. I know community college isn’t a terrible option at all. It could be worse. But there is an expectation for students who go to Troy. When a student doesn’t meet the bottom line, who knows what it’ll do to their mental health. They’ll begin doubting themselves and it may lead to a very dark path. Itruly believe that faith in God can prevent that. Just like I wasn’t panicked at all despite being rejected from schools that I really wanted to go to because I trusted that God would lead me to the best school, I hope others can possess similar confidence in the face of failure. The school that is best from a worldly perspective may be different from a Godly perspective, but one thing will never change: whatever school that we end up going to, will be the best for us in the end. By trusting in God and persevering through tough times, hopefully others will achieve the same “Congratulations!” moment that I did.
儿子就读于南加州有名的公立高中,越区就读必须经过甄试,才能进这所高中就读。相较其它临近学校只需上6堂课,这所高中每天7堂课,学生天未破晓就出门,孩子趁机在车上再补眠。每逢夏令时,往前调一小时,抵达学校时,往往天色还未全亮。为了让孩子多休息,家长往往在临近学校租房,或全家迁移,靠近学校。每年学校组队参加各项全国性学术或科技竞赛并获殊荣,除此以外,学校还安排学生暑期实习。所以,这所高中每年有许多学生考进所谓大学名校。可是今年加利福尼亚州立大学(University of California, 简称UC)在3月中放榜时,很多成绩优秀名列前茅的孩子,反而被放在后补人选名单(Waiting List)。这些成绩优秀的孩子们,失败早已司空见惯,考场上的常胜军也默然接受Waiting List,但当发现同学中成绩较差的,却因为种族、肤色、性别等原因,被UC录取时,很多学生无法接受。儿子高中有两位同学,高中修完大学高阶数学,却没有收到任何一间UC大学录取通知。被哈佛录取的学生,UC也没有录取他们。UC不但否定这些孩子的入学,并且否定他们在四年莘莘学子晨昏颠倒,努力读书的成果。18岁的孩子有多少人可以承受如此打击,为人父母如何装备孩子,迎战不公平待遇?
当儿子在10年级的AP英文课拿到第一个B时,我们没有找补习班,没有找家教,我们找神。儿子每天睡前开始读圣经,从神的话寻求智慧。当11年级AP历史拿到第一个B时,儿子学会祷告,将努力的成果交给 神。当要找老师写推荐信时,我们先求蒙神喜悦,才去找老师。
在拿到大学录取通知前,我们祷告,相信神要给儿子最好的学校。所以,当儿子收到第一封UC的Waiting List时,虽然有失落,有眼泪,但也因为有盼望,他可以面对接踵而来的拒信或Waiting List。当接到唯一的一所UC录取通知时,他比任何人都开心。因为总算“有学校读了”。这个简单的喜乐及信心,持续相信神必预备最好的学校,带领他继续面对被拒绝、被否定的挑战。4月6日,学校通知儿子被其中一间长春藤大学录取时,喜乐的泪水,不断从心中涌流。“一宿虽然有哭泣,早晨便必欢呼。”
在他12年级准备申请大学期间,每每从教会实体聚会回家后,最常听儿子说:今天牧师又提到希西家王。在几个月的时间内,神透过教会不同牧者的口讲述希西家王的故事。一再提醒儿子:不论什么景况, 神永远掌权。希西家王在面临亚述王的十八万五千人军队兵临城下,两方兵力悬殊时,希西王转向神,求告 神的帮助,神在一夕之间,歼灭敌人;当希西家王犯重病,先知预言他的年岁为期不久时,希西家王再次求告神,怜悯人的万军之耶和华,再次允许王的祈求,延长希西家王在地上的年岁。
大而可畏的神,创造天地的主,有怜悯人的心肠,当我们回转求告祂,祂就怜悯我们。这次大学申请,每个高中生如同待宰羔羊,大学召试者(College Admission Officers)在几分钟内,随笔一批,就决定申请者是否被录取,莘莘学子多月用心准备,字字斟酌的个人论文,优秀的SAT成绩,各项比赛奖杯,在短暂几分钟内被决定是否被录取。这些大学召试者,如同亚述王军队,轻易即可摧毁孩子们多年的辛劳,17岁的孩子孤军奋斗,就如同希西家王与亚述王:双方兵力悬殊,家长如何装备孩子面对这兵力悬殊的待遇?只有求告神。
在等待大学放榜的日子,我们全家学习信靠神,懂得要存谦卑的心与神同行,放下自恃的好成绩,不管收到哪间大学的录取通知,相信都是神眼中看为好的。这份简单的信心,带领我们全家经历平息风浪的喜乐,至终看见曙光,但反观儿子的同学,因为没有 神,不认识神,不懂得依靠神,往往跌落网罗中,被忧郁、暴躁、绝望所辖制。17、18岁的孩子如何在跌倒后再次站立,家长如何帮助孩子,重拾信心?
家长用尽心思,举家迁徙,跨学区,送孩子到最好的小学、中学、高中,靠自己的方法,接送孩子奔波于各种补习班、才艺班和比赛。家长希望给孩子最好的,最舒适的生活环境,最好的高中,最好的大学,进藤校,进而功成名就,完成美国梦(American Dream)。然而,只有爱我们的神才知道什么环境对孩子是最好的。我们的帮助来自依靠神,“我要向山举目;我的帮助从何而来?我的帮助从造天地的耶和华而来。”(诗121:1-2)当儿子读小学二年级时,我祷告问神,是否还继续留在当地的私立小学,神要我们越过这山 (hill)到临近学区就读。那学区因为升学率高,学风好,相对房价高,有些家庭需要借地址,才能顺利就读。因着神的应许,硬着头皮跟学区打电话,并留言:“我们想到你们学区就读,请问我们需要买房子还是租房子?”没想到学区马上回电,要我们填个表格就行,不需要借地址或迁徙。我们可以随意选该学区的任何小学就读,等升中学时,跟学区申请要换哪所初中,学区马上首肯,相较于居住在该学区的居民,就没有随意更换学校的自由。
儿子求学的过程,一直在神的祝福恩典中前进。祂指引我们的道路,进到最好的小学,他所读的中学更是加州五所模范中学之一(School To Watch),高中,甚至大学,神都为儿子预备在祂眼中看为好的学校。因为“在你一切所行的事上都要认定祂,祂必指引你的路。”(箴3:6)